Posted by zackism Wednesday, January 27, 2010


"I want questions..does anyone of u has any question?" sounds at all..(xtau nak tanya apa)

"I'll wait for ur questions..starting from now, we're going to finish our clinical round on the exact time..coz there's a complain that clinical round ends too early.."

like before, single movement except breathing(of course not kaussmaul's breathing)

"We teach u according to the syllabus given to us, when we cover all the syllabus, then, the class ends..its not important that we finish on time, whats more important is we learn what we should learn.."
[ copy from blog zul ni..xmntk izin pun..tatau ar dia marah ke sori zul aku xigt sebijik mcm ko igt ayat dr tu ckp :D ]

Ni plak salah satu komen dr budak mane tah..haha

kdg2 aku pn rasa sedih gak bila aku ngtuk lam klas, tb2 ggu pembelajaran rakan2 lain, kesian aku tgk dr..

dr grp aku, ptg2 dia kna amik ank dia lg.. bila dh abis klas, dia lepas awal la sbb dia pn nk blk awal gak tuk amik anak dia, masak tuk dinner lg.. kesian kat dr...


jom tidor berdengkur lam klas...

Anyway, sbenanye niat xnk bukak laptop smpai hari sabtu akan daya..kene jd...bidan lah...doktor terjun...kekekek..kene buat soklan ILA plak..biase pegi jwb ..just nice la bt soklan.....soklan sng nk bt stat ngn ayat " Which of the following is NOT....."...ptt la soklan byk all of the following..kekekeke...

So, sbenanye nk tulis jgk pasal komen dr tu....yg clinical abes awal ey?...hehe...ayat2 dr tu ada tetinggal skit tu.....sambungan dia:

"We are not in the primary school or secondary school. We don't have bell which will ring on the time."

Tp, pape pun..kite kene husnuzon..Ada kata-kata seorang dr yg berkelulusan university Harvard rasenye...dia bertanya:

Dr:" How many miles from Malaysia to Egypt?"
Student: "10-12 Hours" ( hehe..salah jwb nih...)
Dr: "no no....Miles...not hours"
Student: " We don't know"
Dr: "Of course it take thousand miles right. While i'm studying in the state, i always come early 2 Hours and Finish late 2 hours than the others."

Bgs juge prinsip dr nih. Kite dtg stdy jaoh jaoh oh oh oh oh oooh....Tp, kite xmanfaat kan ape yg kite sengaja jaohkan...Termasuklah diri ini yg kerdil nih....( pecah da rekod..haih ...)... Sblm xpecah rekod....slalu bgtau kat pe dtg jaoh jaoohhhh tinggal moto, keta ,mak, ayah, datuk, nenek, basekal burok, dtg sini...tido..Hahaha...Ape gune mak ayah adik2 susah2 anta kite kat airpot, dtg2 sini ......tidoo....penat2 mak ayah amik cuti keje....dtg2 tu lah......manusia ni ada masa dia lemah...

Ada org ckp, dia xpntg pun..dtg kelas ke xdtg kelas ke..xpenting.....sbenanye, semua kita ni penting. Bila kite pegi kelas, at least dpt naikkan smngt, xpun dpt maintainkan smngt org laen utk pergi ke kelas.Kurang2, berkatnye kite bntu org laen utk bersemngt, Insyaallah, tuhan permudahkan segala gerak kerja kite. Dulu2 pun aku suke g kelas, tp sejak akher2 nih....sedey je tgk...smpai ilang smngt..........haih..........Da la kene tuka gp lect,( hehe )...phtu ramai plak xdtg...bnda cenggini mcm infectious disease. hehehe.

P/s: Sbenanye byk lg bnda yg bermanfaat kite buleh bt bile kite O F F laptop...Kdg2 terfikir, laptop ni mcm senjata utk umat kite supaya terus leka dibuai imiginasi2 dan fantasi2 dlm laptop esp dunia internet. Tp, apakan daya.......60-70% hidup kita di'jajah' oleh teknologi.....berjayakah musuh2 kita utk membuat kite leka? Cube renungkan, dalam satu hari( plus-minus la nih..), 21 new email masuk, dalam satu hari 3 offline msg, dlm satu hari berpuluh2 bnda update.....tak check nnt ketinggalan.check..nnt ......lagha....Siapa yg mencipta internet dan komputer????? Renungkan...........


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