all of my suggestion take many days since a lot of our friends of 5th year student stranded in Jeddah. They cannot study in there. The place is too crowded. If the University give us 2-3 weeks more, i don't think it is good call.Hurm, that is some citation from my email to university administration.....
..I'm so sorry if these thing make you sick or dizziness :) because we need the exact and fixed decision for this time being. This decision make the Malaysian Government still trust in us and education in Egypt.
Does it sound like we are still not consider everything?.....i dun knoe...everyone know rite the egyptiOn culture. The discussion is not take 1-3 days. It is better to do it now. It always take weeks or maybe months.......semua org pena cari rumah kan : )...
THis is personal comment......
Tapi harus ingat yaa...تأتي الرياح بما لا تشتهي السفن Winds do not blow as the ships wish. atau mknenye You can't always get what you want. Pray for the Best.....and Lets Allah guide us to the right way.