Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera.

Well, dah lama tak menulis kat blog ni. Hari ni nak ambil masa 5 minit je....5 minit jeeeeeeeeee..Apa yang di'repek' kan...kadang2 merepek itu bagus...tapi biarlah berpada agar kerepek yang kite jual tu bukan kerepek 'dgg busuk'..ahaaa...

Nak ckp kat sini pasal exam.sedar tak sedar, time spm dlu ada subjek yg kite rase agak sukar untuk kita paham dan kita time when we learn something yg mencabar...( yg menggunakan higher cortical center...< merepek jgn pcy )..kita akan lebih paham dan igt bnde yg kite susah nk paham dan nk igt dulu. As an example, dlu nk igt cerebrum ngn cerebellum tu , Ya Allah punya la betuka..bak ore klate kato..tuka tangkiL ( < dibahase baku kan )...bila da belajar neurology yang nak hapal n nak paham tract dia, nak igt dia punya manifestation mcm mne nk beza dia ni TIA/Stroke kt cortex kee brain stem keee lesion mane....tibe2 jd igt..... Ape sbenanye nk kongsi ni?..[ @da la merepek woi, aku byk lg nk stdy...#sape suh ko bace ].........

Ok...sbenanye, ni personal opinion nih tak melibatkan mana-mana agensi kerajaan mahupun bukan kerajaan atau pun mane2 'persatuan' kat alex nih...Ops! ...urm,okeh...kdg2 when we expect the worst, it will teach us to be this i;m not talking about negative-thinking positive..but be moreee positive. jika kita duk dalam zon selesa...contohnye...of course laa some figure/fact yg agak nonsense dlm medic ni ...mcm something irrelevant to remember...its like....nonsense to remember it..haha but when we think something irrelevant will be asked/faced...we will try to understand and remember quite common and important thing...[ errr yeke??? ]....i dont know, this is my inner thought..( OKEH i'M NOT experience neither DELUSION nor HALLUCINATION esp auditory )..

[ @"ding"-loceng ayam osce ONG bebunyik.. #okeh3...nk stop dah ]

oKeh, da cukup 5 minit...haha bukan nk jd kdg2 skema tu kene ada tp bertempat...klaka pn kene ada tp bertempat...dan jadi notty pon kene bertempat...[ @err ko nk kate besederhana ke nih? #urmmm mcm ye ].....urm nk share satu video ni ...nice ,lightning nice, voice miyah bil miyah, cara penyampai nice jgk...yg paling baguss content...terigt kata2 org tua sy..."bile g mesir sane,kamu akan lihat byk cara/jenis org....dont be a lawyer/magistrate/judge...if u want to give some advice its ok..but neva be a judge..dont judge people..becoz u will neva know that someone is better than u...only Allah know everything.....keep in mind that, ilmu Allah sgt lah luas maybe he/she know something better than u even in ur eyes it is against u...."

Wallahua'alam Bissawab...Jika ada tak kene dlm post sy kali ni...jgn segan2 tego sy secara berhemah :D....peace No War...Wassalam.

Ape tgk2...tgk buku tu..

Mnemonic for basis of difference: STORM Baby
Also remember: In a Lower motor neuron lesion everything lowers

Basis of Difference (STORM Baby) UMNL LMNL
S = Strength Lowers Lowers
T = Tone Increases (spastic) Decreases (flaccid)
O = Others Superficial reflexes absent




Reaction of degeneration

R = Reflexes = DTR or Deep tendon reflexes Increased Decreased
M = Muscle Mass Slight loss only Decreases / Atrophy
Baby = Babinski Sign Positive (toe up) Negative (toe down)

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