Assalamualaikum wbt,
First of all i would to wish/pray to all my readers out there for your health, for you Iman and Islam. May Allah protect all of it.
Urm, i dont write to much in my blog nowadays because i got nothing important or beneficial to be shared plus your life would be special when you keep it in the right way,secure it and not exposed everything to everyone.
Today not so much i want to write it here. ( of course i like to use broken english, it makes me feel heightened..hehe ) ...Sometimes you got a lot of ideas that you want to do something, want to change something. Trust me, change and improve nonliving thing is simple and easy than change living breathing thing... you imagine a lot, you try to think in positive way but at the end not 100% your dreams come true. Of COurse!....but it is bad when it is not even 50% close to your dream. Hurm, of course u will feel down when you are pursuing the quantity and real-time result....( if you are pursuing quality, insyaAllah you will not feel down ).......what do we call "pahala is eternity" =p
Enaf for babbling to go...salam wbt. Peace!.
p.s: 3rd class facilities, 3rd class minded, 3rd class attitude with 1-2nd class imagination... = )
5 years ago