I dont want to put any comment neither on 'social network' nor 'ym stats' nor ' any place.
I want to suggest something but i can't. BUT if i am really know that i'm in the right path...and i'm sure bout it...i try to solve something rather than keep writing anything that never solve the thing. no one will understand my,your,our,their situation.
It is better to come together, sharing how to solve problem, maybe just create a committee; leader by new type of person who are not related with any kind of relation with Univ.and can manage and work with us or maybe do something right. Maybe someone who is 'higher' can make petition or maybe etc.
If you want to do something,make it right. If not, it will cause more trouble.
I know, it is totally wrong to write like this.
NO offence.
maybe someone will against me.
It is about decision-making.
Remember, i;m not responsible for your action. at ur own risk
6 years ago